Talks at other conferences
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- 06-02-2010 (with Geertje van Bergen, Wessel Stoop and Jorrig Vogels): Waarom hun nog steeds "hun" zeggen... TiNdag 2010, Utrecht.
- 07-02-2009 (with Sander Lestrade): On the interaction of case and tense, Taalkunde in Nederland-dag 2009, Utrecht.
- 02-07-2009 (with Paula Fikkert): The sound of meaning, Academy Colloquium on Language Acquisition and Optimality Theory, Amsterdam.
- 0-11-2008 (with Sander Lestrade, Kees de Schepper and Steven Westelaken): Preposition stranding everywhere: an optimality theoretic account, Third Workshop on OT and Interpretation, University of Groningen.
- 15-11-2008 (with Lotte Hogeweg): Acquiring transitivity: frequency versus the prototype, Workshop Transitivity, Cologne.
- 07-11-2008 (with Sander Lestrade, Kees de Schepper & Steven Westelaken): Preposition stranding everywhere: an OT account, Third Workshop on OT and interpretation, Groningen.
- 02-02-2008 (with Ad Foolen): On the influence of person on modality. TIN-dag, Utrecht.
- 14-09-2007 (with Monique Lamers): Object Fronting in Dutch: a Bidirectional Approach, Workshop on OT and Interpretation, Amsterdam.
- 03-02-2007 (with Richard van Gerrevink): On the rhetorical use of almost, TIN-dag, Utrecht.
- 23-01-2007 (with Onno Crasborn, Els van der Kooij, and Johan Ros): On Topics in Sign Language of the Netherlands, Workshop 'What's the Topic?' Nijmegen.
- 04-02-2006: Unscrambled pronouns in Dutch, TIN-dag, Utrecht.
- 28-11-2005: Animacy and definiteness: two instantiations of prominence, NWO/DFG workshop Modelling incremental interpretation, Nijmegen.